Saturday 19 October 2013

Borderlands 3 Wishlist

Hi guys,
 It may seem a bit premature to be talking about Borderlands 3, but since finishing Borderlands 2(review coming soon) I have thought off little else gaming related! So I thought the only way to get in out of my system is to blog about it! Thus I humbly present to you my wish list for Borderlands 3.
     -More uses for money. Borderlands 2: Very limited uses, you can buy ammo, health, grenade mods, a select few guns and slot machines and this is it really!
     - Cut Scenes. There are a few through out the game, but they are very short and leave you feeling a bit disappointed.
     - Don't pay to respawn. The current system sees you paying about 10%(based purely on what I have seen) of your total money, so when going into a boss fight you will lose a lot of money. There is also no way to store it!
     - Leveling up you weapon. As it stands when you find a gun it is usually only good for the next few levels. So my plan would be to see you paying Eridium(or BL3's equivalent) to level up the gun with you. Say you pick up a gun at level 10, you would only be able to pay to level it up 5 levels. Each level would cost more Eridium than the last though!
     - Gun Creation. Now this is the idea that I want more than anything else in BL3 let's get into it! You have 10 points to spend on a gun, so the main section of the gun will cost 3 points. A silencer would cost 1 point. A larger mag would cost between 1-3 points depending on the size of the mag. All kinds of sights could be attached for just 1 point. A camo could be applied for 1 point. And finally you could give it elemental effects, at 1 point for the first and 2 points for the second. However you are only allowed to apply 2 effects at any one time!
     (Still gun creation) You collect these parts by dismantling guns you find on the floor by paying at specific gun creation stations(next to ammo and health stations) you can only salvage 5 points worth of things from a gun, so you will have to chose wisely!

     That is it, all my thoughts and suggestions for Borderlands 3 in one place, I would like to stress these are just ideas and I have no idea at all what is going on with the development of BL3, if it is even in development yet!
Thanks for reading,
Do tell me in the comments below if any of you would be interested in reading some Borderlands 2 diary's(spoiler free)?

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