Monday 10 June 2013

Run up to E3 2013: Part 3

Hi guys
This is the third and final part of my run up to E3, as this will be going live on the first day of E3. The three games I will be covering this time are, Call of Duty Ghosts, Drive Club and Killzone: Shadow Fall. Right, let's get into it.
First up under the spot light is Call of Duty Ghosts, this game is the 10th instalment in the franchise and one which I think this could be a defining moment in CoD history. The main reason why is the fact that it will be available to buy on the next generation of consoles(PS4 and Xbox One). This is a massive step forward in terms of the graphics we will be experiencing, we have already been told that the game is set in the near future with futuristic tech. Non of which you will be able to use. No you will be forced(for some unknown reason) to use modern day(2013) weapons. There is the possibility though that the game will be the same rinse and repeat formula from previous games. I can understand that to a point, but I think that infinity ward have been given an opportunity to make the first CoD for Next Gen consoles, and I really hope the don't pass up on it, by making the game the same as previous years.
This is Drive Club, a game which has every possibility of stealing the title of Best Driving Simulator straight from the head of Gran Tursimo. Yes this is a game that looks better than any car game currently available. Which you would expect from a game working for a console like the PS4. Since its announcement at the PS4 announcement, we have heard very little about this game. All we know is that it had hyper cool graphics, and there will be a heavy social feature in built. Other than that we know nothing! I am pretty comfortable in saying that this game will be shown of at Sony E3 media briefing.
Last but very much not least Killzone Shadow Fall, this game looks beautiful. End of. There is no doubting the graphical qualities of this game. Every since it was first announced at the PS4  reveal, I have been waiting for E3, for many reasons. One of which is this game, it was probably the longest demo for a game at the reveal, and by god did it make an impression. There have been 3 killzones before this one in the main series and all of them have got very good write ups from critics. I have never had the pleasure of playing one of these games, but this may well be my first! This game will also be in all lightly hood featured at Sonys E3 media briefing, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us.
      As I am writing this the Microsoft media briefing is about to start. Well I say good luck to Microsoft, because I really think they are going to need it.
Thanks for reading

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