Friday 26 July 2013

Games Music

Hi guys
 Today I would like to talk about a quite different subject than my normal topic of conversation. Music, specifically the music which accompanies games these days. I think that the score of a game is the secret weapon up all developers sleeves. They can use the score to create such fierce emotions that you can't help but fall in love with the game. It is a shame how many games don't take full advantage of these features, but that could be the saving grace for other(better) games. As they will then have something more unique. Take a game like Mass Effect 3 for example, that game has a score which is a truly beautiful thing.
     The first game I ever played on my PS3 was Assassins Creed Brotherhood, and even to this day there is a specific song(Ezio's Family by Jesper Kyd) gives me the chilles. It was the first song in a game that I thought straight away has incredible. A song can encapsulate the feeling of the moment, and make that feeling even sharper. There are many feeling which a song can create or strengthen.
     You could also have music which tells feeling to go away in no uncertain terms, and just make you feel like a total bad ass. Yes music in a game is capable of doing many things, and when you get a great game which has a great score to go with it you have a combo to be reckoned with! At the same time as games having really great scores, games can have really bad ones. You rarely notice that it is a bad score, you just don't notice it. Unfortunately this is the category a lot of games fall into.
     In summary, a score can really make a game, or it won't add to the game, it is rare for the score to detract from the full game.
     Is there a game score that you really like? Let me know down in the comments below.
Thanks for reading,
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